From: "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 04:42 AM 1/21/2004 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
>It's not, actually.  None of the people I had in mind
>were in any way involved in politics.  Most of them
>were doctors, actually.  Massachusetts politics is
>very retail.

But again, doctors aren't exactly representative of ordinary
Massachusettans.    They tend to be the very sort of highly-paid people who
would be likely to donate a couple hundred dollars to a political campaign
- which is again, not ordinary.

I gotta agree with John. I've lived in MA for approximately 16 years and have
plenty of friends and coworkers who lived here their whole lives, and nobody has ever
met (in any significant personal way) any of this state's primary leadership. Being wealthy
and living in Cambridge/Boston might easily put you in that crowd, but I suspect my
friends/coworkers and I's experience (or lack thereof) is much more the norm.

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