Julia Thompson wrote:
> "John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> >
> > At 12:11 PM 1/20/2004 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> > >My own sense of Kerry comes from five years in Boston.
> > > I kept running into liberal Democrats who hated,
> > >hated, _hated_ George Bush.  They also knew (as in had
> > >met) John Kerry (Massachusetts is a sufficiently small
> > >state that running into a Senator is a fairly common
> > >occurrence).
> >
> > Uhhh.... Gautam.... I think that you are forgetting that you are travelling
> > in a pretty extraordinary circle having gone from a Poli Sci major at
> > Harvard to McKinsey.
> I saw nothing extraordinary in Gautam's statement.
> Then again, my perception of New England states is influenced by my time
> in New Hampshire, which had a smaller population than Massachusetts.


One other thing -- Kerry was elected to the House of Representatives
sometime in the 1980s, from a district at least close enough to Boston
that the Boston TV stations carried his campaign ads.  It's not that
far-fetched to have run into someone in eastern Massachusetts who'd have
run into some particular Congressman elected from that area sometime in
the past 20 years.  Especially if you were seeking out people who had
been active in political campaigns.

(I never ran into my own Congressional representative from that time,
but I was in the same chemistry class as one of his nieces.  I *have*
had brief dealings with the man who is now my Congressional


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