"John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> At 09:00 PM 1/20/2004 -0600 Julia Thompson wrote:
> >  It's not that
> >far-fetched to have run into someone in eastern Massachusetts who'd have
> >run into some particular Congressman elected from that area sometime in
> >the past 20 years.  Especially if you were seeking out people who had
> >been active in political campaigns.
> I read Gautam's statement as implying that it was not extraordinary for
> ordinary Massachusettans to have run into one of their Senators.
> JDG - Who has never so much as met his Congressional Representatie.

Well, if pigs had flown, hell had frozen over and the other guy had won
the senate race in NH in 1986, I *would* have run into one of my
Senators on a vaguely regular basis.  :)

Depends on who you are, where you live, what circles you move in, and
all those factors for your Senators.

And does your Congressional rep ever have these events set up where you
go and throw questions at him or her?  If there's anything like that
ever going on, you might go, just for the experience of it.


who never went to any of Smith's things like that, and is so out of it
now she has no clue about whatever Carter is doing along those lines

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