"John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> At 03:21 PM 2/15/2004 -0600 Julia Thompson wrote:
> >And I wonder how it would compare for the first 10 years with the rate
> >of divorces among the fundamentalists who are most loudly decrying it
> >now?
> Of course, there is no way of knowing this.    Since it is not a priori
> true that a given fundamentalist couple that seeks a divorce has loudly
> decried gay marriage, let alone even loudly decried gay marriage as a
> factor that would increase the divorce rate.

You could look at the *very* small set of fundamentalists who have said
something public about it and look at just *their* divorce rate.

And you're right, there is no way to really tell.  So I could wonder for
the rest of my life.  :)


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