Andrew Paul wrote:
It was a little confronting, I agree, but please, take a few steps back from that big red button.

Done - big red button = bad. No question.

If, lets say, we were invaded by the newly elected Indonesian Islamic Government,
on the basis that we were supporting terrorism in the form of East Timor and West 
(a more sound basis than our current debacle in Iraq btw, at least some facts !)
Do you think you would just roll over and play dead?
Or do you think you might be protesting in the streets?

Oh, absolutely, the .22 would come out of the rubble and I would take my nationalistic fervour to the invaders. But I wouldn't wave pictures of the PM, or of the archbishop, or anything other than the Australian flag or the Southern Cross. But most assuredly, I would not mutilate the bodies and celebrate their desecration.

As much as it saddened me, I didn't feel angry or disturbed watching the Pajeros in flames, or seeing the bullet holes. Shooting them as invaders I can sort of understand, given that these people don't understand what the good individuals over there are trying to achieve. But the crowd bothered me. Really bothered me...

Russell C.


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