"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 04:18 PM 4/29/04, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >Mike Lee wrote:
> >
> > > So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
> > > to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little "Throw Momma
> > > From the Train" service for each other by helping to kill the
> > > self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
> > > else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
> > > stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
> > > three, and she does it a lot better too.
> >
> >I think the worst part of it is, there's no break.
> >
> >You leave the receptionist job at the end of the day, and even if you're
> >having to deal with crap outside of the job, at least it's *different*
> >crap.
> And the receptionist's job seldom involves dealing with *actual* crap . . .
> not to mention other less than attractive or sanitary bodily effluvia on an
> almost continuous basis for at least the first couple of years . . .

Oh, yeah, and most receptionists are not required by their job
description to clean the carpet on a regular basis.  (I am *so* glad I
put my foot down on not having carpeting in certain rooms....  Just
wishing I had on a couple of others, as well, but hey, we can replace
the carpet in a few years, right?)


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