Mike Lee wrote:

> So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
> to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little "Throw Momma
> From the Train" service for each other by helping to kill the
> self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
> else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
> stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
> three, and she does it a lot better too. 

I think the worst part of it is, there's no break.

You leave the receptionist job at the end of the day, and even if you're
having to deal with crap outside of the job, at least it's *different*

Being a full-time stay-at-home mom doesn't give you that kind of break
on a daily basis until you can send the kids off to school or
something.  (Of course, there are various things you can do that will
get you a semi-permanent to permanent break, but fortunately for the
species, post-partum psychosis is not *too* prevalent....)


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