> Perfectly true, anyone can be a grunt, however when
> your in the middle
> of no where, have no backup, and need to get the job
> done what do you
> do? "Though you fly in the clouds, a marine is a
> grunt first." The 58th
> was heralded as the best of the best. To me they
> were flying grunts,
> more then once the played in the dirt. A necessity
> then, more so then
> now, with the earth at the edge of defeat and
> loosing more men/women
> then we can replace even through invitro's it comes
> to a point that
> everyone no matter how trained must do the lowliest
> job. Of course that
> is my opinion. 

Still doesn't make sense. If you really are on the
ropes, then a trained pilot you invested several
million dollars and several months worth of training
will be FAR MORE VALUABLE than some draftee pulled off
the street, given cursory training and a rifle. To put
this in perspective, in 11 months of combat, from 6
June 1944 to 8 May 1945, the 1st Infantry Division
lost some 212% of its personnel. If you factor in the
fact that not all personnel in the division are
trigger pullers (probably 1/2 to 2/3 are), then the
losses probably approach more like 300% or more. With
that in mind, its just not cost effective to expend
valuable, trained (and more importantly) EXPERIENCED
pilots in something a teen ager with 2 months of
training can do equally well.

And I find it hard to believe that a carrier (or
carrier battlegroup, as although escorts were never
shown, they must have been there) wouldn't have
embarked Marine platoons, or even assault ships, as
part of their fleet, especially if ground combat would
be known to be encountered. At the very least, it
would be better to gather the cooks and other
unessential personnel, give them rifles, and send them
into combat, just as it was done at Bastogne, and
really throughout the US campaign in Europe when we
began to feel the "manpower crunch" when all the
better suited troops were either dead or wounded.


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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