--- Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, that's an interesting theory, but I don't
> neccessarily agree with it
> (before or after). Most of the time, where troops
> have contact with the
> local population or the enemy, women soldiers will
> not be around, or at the
> very least apparent. This is because of the
> non-combat role they're in.

> Damon.

This is certainly true, of course.  I think the theory
is that the presence of women in the area has a high
benefit.  The British and Canadian armies are both
also volunteer, and while the educational level and
such of the American military is definitely better
than both, it seems like the huge gap in performance
seems like it is too large to be explained by that
sort of fairly marginal difference.

That aside, I have to say that I find myself virtually
incapable of thinking about this rationally.  I am
_quivering_ with rage about this.  This is personal to
me.  I volunteered to go there almost a year ago. 
_Two weeks ago_ they called me to say that my security
clearance was being processed and that a final offer
might be imminent.  Just by _volunteering_ I probably
did permanent damage to my career at McKinsey, which
was not a small thing to give up.  These fucking
idiots have permanently stained the effort of every
one of my friends over there, of every _person_
working there in both the army and the civilian
service.  If the army decided to shoot them in the
main street of _Baghdad_ I wouldn't be upset.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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