Rumsfeld and the Iraqi war team ignored tons of work on how to occupy
Iraq.  Detailed plans on the people, material and training needed.  

I am not surprised they also decided a seat-of-the-pants operation for
war prisoners was also decided on.

As Gen. Zinni recently said, it was an open secret before and after
they took office they were going to war with Iraq and Rumsfeld wanted
to prove he could do it with very low manpower.

Here in Texas, Democrats knew Bush was a f*ckup but even we never
believe he could f*ck things up this badly.  When over 25% of Sunnis
and Shiites believe attacking coalition forces is a good thing and
respect and trust of the United States is in the single digits in our
Muslim allies... Is he deliberately trying to provoke Armageddon? 
Given his religious beliefs it is not out of the question..

#1 on google for liberal news

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