Julia, the voice of bloody reason:

> It occurred to me that perhaps the thing to do is to identify 
> all the people who participated in the torture-for-amusement, 
> and turn them over to the Iraqi people.
> Some sort of justice (or at least poetic justice) would be 
> served, and it would be a hell of a deterrent against anyone 
> else doing anything remotely like it for a good, long time.

You sound like one of the Iraqi people. The more bloody-minded, primitive
honor-killing sort.

You want to lob a rock at Lynndie from West Virginnie? Cast the first stone
or shut up.

I've been told you're the heart of the list, a really sweet girl, and beyond

In this post you engaged in a bloody hate fantasy.

I'm in no mood right now to say something funny or provocative.


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