> Travis Edmunds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >Debbi
> >who is going through 'saved mail,' but only
> commenting
> >on ~ 10% of that - and incidentally found that the
> >concepts of Good and Evil were another point of
> >disagreement with Travis....ditto Rob's replies! 
> ;)
> Am I to assume that Rob's thoughts are yours, so to
> speak?

Not exactly.  :)
But IIRC your viewpoint was that "evil" is more
relative, and that there is no Evil as such; Rob's was
that Evil does exist - IIRC.  It's a bit of semantics,
perhaps, but in spite of my assertion that there's a
lot of grey out there, I think certain acts are
inherently evil, and it seems that some people
actively serve Evil (as opposed to the merely greedy,
stupid, or misguided who perpetrate many cruel acts).

Frex that Texas woman who murdered her children is, I
think, sick - but needs to be punished nevertheless. 
I don't think she is evil; as opposed to Saddam's son
Uday (or was it the other?) who tortured multiple
people for his own pleasure - now he was evil, and his
actions served Evil.

OTOH, I don't believe in a Devil as such.  We humans
can choose to promote the Good or the Light or
whatever you want to call it, or we can choose to
increase the Evil, Dark or what-have-you.  Active,
knowing choice is what makes the difference to me:
whether an act or a person is evil (vs. wrong, bad or
illegal etc.), and that the intention and outcome is
pain/suffering to another.

> -Travis "MOM!!! Deborah keeps disagreeing with
> me!!!!" Edmunds

"That's all right dear - it's educational!"

Between The Lions Maru   ;)

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