> Travis Edmunds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<some snippage>
> >your viewpoint was that "evil" is more
> >relative, and that there is no Evil as such; Rob's
> >was that Evil does exist....I think certain acts 
> >are inherently evil, and it seems that some people
> >actively serve Evil (as opposed to the merely
> >greedy, stupid, or misguided who perpetrate
> > many cruel acts).
> That there exists inherent evil, I simply cannot
> fathom. I can however 
> understand and accept the use of the word 'evil' in
> situations where it is 
> used as a *collectively agreed upon* term to
> describe something that people 
> for the most part consider BAD.
> > We humans
> >can choose to promote the Good or the Light or
> >whatever you want to call it, or we can choose to
> >increase the Evil, Dark or what-have-you.  Active,
> >knowing choice is what makes the difference to me:
> >whether an act or a person is evil (vs. wrong, bad
> >or illegal etc.), and that the intention and
> >is pain/suffering to another.

> So in other words - It's all relative...

I disagree.  As Rob put it, there is a degree of
subjective perception in our defining an act as evil
or not, yet all (except the criminally insane or
insanely racist) acknowledge behaviors such as
painfully beheading an innocent, or gassing a roomful
of people of a particular belief, as Wrong.  Often you
have to choose between the lesser of two morally dark
positions or actions, but there is no excuse for, say,
flaying a person (or animal, for that matter) alive.

> > > -Travis "MOM!!! Deborah keeps disagreeing with
> > > me!!!!" Edmunds

> ><LOL>
> >"That's all right dear - it's educational!"
> Ooh, low blow.

Hmm, I actually didn't mean that as a low blow -- in
the children's show 'Between The Lions,' one blurb has
a girl saying to her mother "Mo-om! There's a talking
potato head detective on this show."  Her reply is
what I quoted, with the snippage of the end "TV."  (I
think the character is a take-off on Sam Spade - Sam
Spud, Par-boiled Potato Detective.  It's funny,
although I'd guess that most children would miss the
hat-tip.)  <grin>  That kid's show probably doesn't
air up there, though, does it?

Theo And Cleo And Lionel And Leona, The Library Lions
Maru    (oh, my!)

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