----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Travis Edmunds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: New Hate-Mongering Chick Tract is out

> >Maybe someone here knows, but I thought the Vatican's riches had quite
> >a bit to do with banking over the last few centuries.
> I'm not really sure. I do know that priests receive a salary of sorts
that I
> believe comes from the Vatican. As for tithing (commonly given/taken
> *collections* at mass), it is utilized in the upkeep and running of
> individual parishes. And in many cases this money is short of where it
> to be in order to adequately address the financial hurdles that parishes
> must overcome to remain open.

The Vatican's riches are basically the artwork and other antiques that it
has gathered over the centuries. They also got some funds when Italy took
over most of Vatican City, back in the '30's I think...but it might have
been the '20s.   The main source of funding for the entire Catholic church

1) Contributions from US parishes.

2) Contribution from the German Catholic church, where the government still
subsidizes churches.

The Vatican is not  living hand to mouth, but would soon exhaust its
resources and would have to sell its art, and the Vatican itself for that
matter, if it were to maintain its current expenses after any substantial
cuts in the money given by the US or Germany.

Dan M.


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