Travis Edmunds wrote:

... if they did not teach the actual teachings of Jesus, which is what the Catholic Church is very specifically based upon), and states that one must be repentant at heart.

Where does that idea, that "must," come from? What authority? Cite, please. I'm curious to hear if it's a church or the Bible, which sometimes have little to do with each other.

The Roman Catholic Church is *not* specifically based on the teachings of Jesus -- it also is based on papal authority, the saints, etc. Sort of a Jesus-plus deal. I don't think there's any question about that.

The good news is that we are acceptable to God exactly as we are. Jesus' harshest words were for the self-righteous, who rejected that idea.

Not exactly. You speak more from a modernization movement within religion, rather than from an actual dogmatic point of view.

There is nothing "modern" about it. It goes back at least a couple of thousand years. Plenty of people get it wrong and preach what they think it should be. I certainly got it wrong, or at least not completely right, for a long time. The Church of Rome of 500 years ago had it terribly, terribly wrong and Luther sparked quite a movement in response.

I was at our church's Synod Assembly last week and heard an awful lot of what seemed to be the same kind of error. It's not at all unusual in churches and may very well be the one thing that is most wrong with Christianity today... in my opinion.


Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
Phone/fax: (408) 551-0427


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