On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 07:11:56PM +1000, Andrew Paul wrote:

> but then I am not Iranian. If I was, I would probably think it was a
> damn fine idea, and do my best to make it happen cos, as North Korea
> seems to demonstrate, once you have them, then the Big Bad Yankees
> leave you alone.

Perhaps if you were a stupid Iranian, you might have that opinion.

Otherwise, you would realize that Iran is not by any stretch of the
imagination a democracy, so if Iran had nuclear weapons, they would be
under the control of the oppressive, and possibly insane, religious
leaders of the country. Who are quite capable of starting a nuclear war
with a force that would wipe Iran totally off the map in such a war. No,
sane Iranians would NOT want nuclear weapons until they have a stable
democracy in their country.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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