On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 13:20:46 -0230, Nick Lidster
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Nick Lidster wrote:
> >
> > > Irans standing power is 912,569 (2004 est.) mixture of all branches,
> > > including law enforcement. 3000 troops sure isn't a large force, but
> lets
> > > not forget that they have an air force as well;
> > >
> > > mig 29   34
> > >
> > > su 24    86
> > >
> > > f-14      247
> > >
> > > f-7       287
> > >
> > > f-4       472
> > >
> > > f-5       197
> > >
> > > rf 4e     32
> > >
> > > total   1355

I found still online at CSIS the Military Balance in the Gulf which
was produced about a year before my other source, which was another
report by Anthony H. Cordesman.

Iran's Total Operational Combat Aircraft, all types and quality  - 304.

It has Iran's High and Medium Quality of air strike craft as:


His year later report is:


I won't  bother listing the lower quality stuff which he also doesn't
bother with in the Military Balance report.

I have previously stated my opinion is that he overestimates the
combat ready quantities of the American planes, in this case the F-14s
and F-4Es.  The spare parts source for these planes are their other
planes. Later he states  that Iran "has acknowledged a need for
Western military equipment and spare parts."  He may be correct, we
sold Iran a hulluva lot of planes they can use as spare parts to keep
some flying.


Iran is one of the countries used to justify deployment of the ABM SDI
with some analysts believing iran could deploy an ICBM before 2015.

Gary Denton

#1 on google for liberal news

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