On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 06:13:09 -0400, Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 07:11:56PM +1000, Andrew Paul wrote:
> > but then I am not Iranian. If I was, I would probably think it was a
> > damn fine idea, and do my best to make it happen cos, as North Korea
> > seems to demonstrate, once you have them, then the Big Bad Yankees
> > leave you alone.
> Perhaps if you were a stupid Iranian, you might have that opinion.

> Otherwise, you would realize that Iran is not by any stretch of the
> imagination a democracy, so if Iran had nuclear weapons, they would be
> under the control of the oppressive, and possibly insane, religious
> leaders of the country. Who are quite capable of starting a nuclear war
> with a force that would wipe Iran totally off the map in such a war. No,
> sane Iranians would NOT want nuclear weapons until they have a stable
> democracy in their country.

> Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

Or would they prefer having something to protect themselves against
nuclear attacks from Israeli religious leaders?  Or even American
leaders who might consider their religion unworthy?

Interesting thoughts about the intelligence and sanity of Iranians and
the stability of their government.  Thanks for sharing.

You may be right, I will have to consider if I might prefer we had no
nuclear weapons if it comes about we had religious, possibly insane,
oppressive leaders not bound by any sane rules of law who came to
power undemocratically.  Who knows how warlike they could get?  We
would always be threatened with attacks from others or live in fear of
our own leaders actions.  I guess you might have to be INSANE to want
them to have nuclear weapons.

Gary Denton - Sanity Maru

#1 on google for liberal news

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