> Sounds a lot like what a lot of people said before
> the first Gulf
> War (including myself, I'll admit).  But in an open
> battle, our
> technology and training was greater than the
> overwhelming numbers of
> tanks, infantry, aircraft, etc.
> Heck, folks were saying the same before the GW2!

Largely agree. Should the Iranians cross the border
and engage in a set piece battle with US forces, they
would be playing to our strengths and would suffer
grevioulsy for it. The T-72s they have still suffer
from the same disadvantages as all other Iraqi T-72s,
no mater how modern you think they are: any
penetration in the forward 2/3ds of the vehicle are
typically catastrophic (high order ammo explosions),
and the cannon has been proven to be unable to defeat
the armor on the M1A1HA or later variants at useful
combat ranges. The BMP series mechanized infantry
fighting vehicles have similar vulnerabilities (the
Mujahideen in Afghanistan were able to defeat these
vehicles in the side armor with M2HB .50CAL machine

I could only concede the likelihood of high casualties
if the Iranians could draw us into urban combat, where
the differences between the two sides would be


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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