On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:36:57 +0200, Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten
> William T Goodall wrote:
> UK:Anglican and Roman Catholic 40 million, Muslim 1.5 million,
> Presbyterian 800,000, Methodist 760,000, Sikh 500,000, Hindu 500,000,
> Jewish 350,000 (population total 60,270,708)
> So that would be: 66% RC, 19% Muslim, 1.3% Presbytarian, 1.2%Methodist,
> 0.8%Sikh, 0.8% Hindu, 0.6% Jewish

No, Anglican and Roman Catholic are lumped together there; I'm
guessing that the majority of the people in that group are Anglican,
and not RC.  There's a difference.  Something about a Pope not
granting an annulment way back when....

And I'm also guessing that a lot more people in the UK give their
affiliation as Anglican than actually go to church with any sort of
frequency.  (I'm not as sure on this guess as I am on the first one.)
> From the CSI factbook
> Sonja :o)
> GCU: Meaningless numbers


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