At 11:28 PM 8/17/2004 -0700 Doug Pensinger wrote:
>On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:56:11 -0400, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sorry... I momentarily had thought you were the *other* Julia in your
>> response.    Anyhow, I reacted so forcefully in part because there is a
>> long history of anti-religious, anti-Christian, and anti-Catholic 
>> sentiment on this List.
>While there are some very vocal atheists on the list (Fool, William, Erik) 
>and a few of us that are non-believers but not nearly as vociferous as the 
>others, but there are more list members I can identify as religious to 
>some degree (yourself, Nick, Dan, Dave, Ronn, Debbie). There are more in 
>each category, I'm sure, but I'll wager the ratio holds.  Others on the 
>list I haven't seen express their belief or lack thereof.  So to say that 
>_the list_ is anti religious is inaccurate.
>There is a larger percentage of non-believers here (than in the US at 
>large) so when they do speak up it probably feels as if the wheels are 
>coming off to those that aren't used to having their faith challenged. 8^)

Doug, I think there is a huge difference between the religious attitudes of
Brin-L members vs. Brin-L posts.   Quite simply, this List is consistently
bombarded with a plethora of anti-religious, anti-Christian, and yes,
anti-Catholic posts.   For whatever reason, very few people, other than
myself, speak up against them.   Maybe, like me, they all have the likes of
William Goodall killfiled (which I did after I realized that he had nothing
to say here other than to denigrate religion).   On the other hand, silence
is essentially tolerance - and as Gautam has noted, anti-Christianism is
America's last politically correct form of bigotry.   Based on the way it
is tolerated here in Brin-L, I can believe it.

JDG - Ad hominem attack against the strength of my faith being treated with
the contempt it deserves, faux-smiley notwithstanding.....


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