> From: JDG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> At 10:44 PM 11/28/2004 -0500 Gary Nunn wrote:
> >As for the question of should religious conservatives be allowed to
> >participate in the political process, well, yes and no.  Should they
> >allowed to participate: yes. Should they be allowed to influence the
> >administration to follow a religious agenda, NO.
> That looks like a distinction without a difference to me.   It sounds
> me
> like you are saying that religious conservatives can participate in
> political process, but only so long as they support policies that they
> view
> to be morally wrong under their religious beliefs.  Uh huh.

I guess my issue is when people want things banned.
People can object to policies all they like, but when they want them
banned, and others do not, it becomes more of a concern. I don't support
lots of things, but I live with the fact that the majority does, and get
on with my life, trying to live my life, by my rules. I don't want my
morals forced down the throats of everyone else, and equally,
vice-versa. So, yes, participate, for sure, but control the agenda, a
minority setting the moral agenda, and banning things, no.



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