----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Warren Ockrassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: So it begins.... Evangelicals to Bush: Payback Time

> On Nov 28, 2004, at 9:32 PM, Dan Minette wrote:
> > From: "Warren Ockrassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Nov 28, 2004, at 12:39 PM, Damon Agretto wrote:
> >
> >>> And Warren, that sort of altitude is not going to win you any
> >>> arguments, and in fact invalidates any sort of rational argument you
> >>> with to present.
> >
> >> Not when I'm not presenting any rational argument, which would be
> >> pointless in dealing with fanatics.
> >
> > Out of curiosity, have any of them stated that they saw nothing wrong
> > with
> > killing Godless atheists?
> I didn't say anything about killing atheists, Dan.

Yes you did:

"If these clowns love Jesus so much, I see nothing wrong with sending
them to meet him immediately."

I've thought of two possible viewpoints on this:

1) Religeous...Jesus is in heaven in the hereafter.  There is nothing wrong
with sending these folks to the hereafter.

2) Non-religeous...Jesus is in the grave.  There is nothing wrong with
sending these people to the grave.

The words clearly talk about removing "these clowns" from the mortal coil.
If I saw people talking/writing about not seeing anything wrong with
sending fags** to Hell where they belong, I'd not believe any protests that
they really weren't talking about killing.  If it was on a mailing list, I
know I wouldn't be gentle in responding.

>How about glorifying  murder?
> http://www.godhatesfags.com/main/shepard_monument.html
> These are the same people who wouldn't even let that poor guy get
> buried in peace:

Well, the word blasphemy comes to mind very quickly.  Taking the name of
God to support evil is horrid...it compounds their sin. This is a clear and
major rejection of the 2nd commandment about not taking the Lord's name in
vain.  In fact, I can think of a worse violation of this commandment than
to claim God's blessing on evil actions.  I'd say crime, but I know we have
freedom of speech, even for people who have very sick and even evil ideas,
so I would guess that they have written it so that they are not actually
calling for additional murders and are thus protected by the first

So, what they did was worse than what you wrote.  But, if anyone wrote on a
mailing list that I was on that they saw  nothing wrong with killing fags,
then I'd be offended. I try to have one standard, not two.

Dan M.

**Yes, that is a nasty word, but I was trying to reflect that evil
viewpoint properly.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I hope you can see
why I don't want to understate the vileness of the attitude.


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