--- Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Under Saddam Hussein, many families were losing
> loved ones directly 
> > to torture, disappearances, and summary
> executions.   Tens of 
> > thousands of others were losing their beloved
> children because 
> > Saddam Hussein was spending the country's oil
> revenue on palaces and 
> > weapons rather than basic food and medicine.      
> Isn't that *exactly* what is happening in the United
> States right now?  We've 
> had tax cuts for the wealthiest, poverty is
> increasing and the war budget is 
> skyrocketing.  At what point does this justify an
> invasion?
> Nick

<sigh>.  I'm pretty sure that in the United States
many families are _not_ "losing loved ones directly to
torture, disappearance, and summary executions."  If
they are, you're in a lot of trouble.  Rest assured
though, Nick, if something does happen to you, I'd
want someone to do something about it more likely to
be effective than asking it to stop.  Another
difference in our positions, I guess.  I'm just going
to ignore the rest of the rhetoric on the assumption
that it's just a spinal reflex - tap a leftist and
he'll claim that tax cuts are murder, no matter how
ridiculous it looks.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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