--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gautam wrote: 
> > I wrote:
> So you would disagree with the profile I posted?

Yeah.  I'm not sure where you got it, but I thought it
was about equivalent to "a liberal is someone who
hates the United States."  There are some who do, but
it's basically a caricature without much in the way of
information.  Irving Kristol (the original neocon) has
written some stuff on what they are.  There are very
few who would argue in favor of an "American empire"
for example, and those who do would mean something
very, very different from what most people mean by
empire.  To some extent you're getting into an
intramural dispute here - I, for example, have argued
on a several occasions with Steve Rosen (a neocon)
about his use and (in my opinion) misuse of the term

> Wolfowitz was the ideological father of PNAC who's
> founding members also 
> included the the vice president, the Secretary of
> Defense and the 
> president's brother.

Well, he was _an_ ideological father of it, but so
what?  Lots of people sign onto things like that.  So
did John McCain, for example.  So did I, for that
matter, although I wasn't important enough to actually
join.  PNAC just isn't that important.  It was a
think-tank project - not even a fully-fledged think
tank - with some interesting ideas.  I don't even
think it had a staff.  As I recall, when Steve Rosen
and I talked about me getting a job there the
conclusion was that they didn't _have_ much of a
staff, so they couldn't hire me because it wasn't
possible.  It's been a while, so I might be wrong, but
that sounds about right.

> Of course, but what does that have to do with
> anti-Semitism?
> -- 
> Doug

Nothing in and of itself.  But the accusation that is
made is that the "neo-cons" supported the agenda they
did because it was good for Israel, even though it was
bad for the United States.   Non-Jews presumably have
little incentive to betray their country for Israel. 
So the assertion - cleverly disguised but, in the end,
as transparent as the substitution of intelligent
design for creationism - is the hoariest of
anti-Semitic slurs, that Jews cannot be trusted within
a society because their loyalty to Israel is more
important than their loyalty to their country.  Well,
I'm not Jewish, and I thought the PNAC was pretty on
the ball.  Not entirely, of course, but far more right
than wrong.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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