On Mar 22, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 07:00 AM Wednesday 3/22/2006, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

Charlie Bell wrote:
>> Is there any way to recover the HD for Windows XP without F&R?
> Spinrite might do it, it's a dos thing. Don't have a copy handy
> unfortunately, my windows stuff is all in Cyprus (and I'm in Oz
> still  with my iBook...).
Just as curiosity, I checked the spinrite site. How can this
recovery HD software cost _more_ than the price of a new HD?

(Someone else may have answered by now.) To a business frex which may go out of business if the customer files or proprietary product information on the disk are irretrievably lost, the data is far more valuable than the couple of hundred dollars a typical hard drive costs.

Are they insane?

They know what their product/service is worth to the right client. You judge.

David Pogue recently did a story on DriveSavers, a company that does data recovery from soaked, smashed, bashed, burned or "_may_-have- been-hit" hard drives. The repairs to his drive cost about $2700. Pogue could have bought himself a couple of laptop computers for that price, leave alone a hard drive.

For a "game" drive, the cost is the inconvenience of having to locate the original CDs (and their licenses -- you no doubt bought them fair and square) and reinstall, then kick a bunch of AI butt to get back to where you were. I'm about 70% of the way through "Need for Speed Underground 2", and you better believe I keep a backup of my game. I out-drove a helluva lot of AIs to get where I am :-).

For a business drive, the cost is whatever you think your career is worth.



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