Ritu wrote:
Charlie asked:

Yep. But it is also a subset of 'society' and 'politics', and non-religious cults do exist.
What's an example of a non-religious cult?

Personality cults in politics, then there is the Ayn rand cult, a
non-religious one if there ever was one. NATLFED has been put on many
cult watch lists.

The term has become a loaded one and you'd find many such examples in
sociology, psychology and political science.

The most useful thing I've been presented with for identifying a dangerous cult is the BITE model - Behavior, Information, Thought and Emotional control.


Non-religious organizations can be examined with this.

The other terms I've heard in conjunction with dangerous religious activities is "spiritual abuse". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual_abuse is a starting point if you want to know more about that. (If anyone presses me for more links, I might oblige. Then again, I might not, depending on how much time I have today and tomorrow.)


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