Gautam, et al,

Sometimes, my wife says of herself, "I don't know how you can stand to
be around me: _I_ can barely take it." That's a little how I feel about
myself and my recent interest in all the 9/11 conspiracies: I can hardly
stand to be around myself when I get caught up in it.

After watching the "Pyroclastic" video that WTG pointed to, I realized
that I'd been giving way too much credence to "Just-So Stories" about
what might possibly have happened. It's not that this particular video
was all that bad (it was utterly unconvincing to me, but that's beside
the point), it just highlighted for me how much I'd been accepting the
"coulda beens" and "shouldna beens" that are the stock in trade of
conspiracy theories.

I'm writing to apologize for being such a pompous ass. Also to state
that my current position on the whole thing is that whoever it was who
plotted to bring down the WTC buildings succeeded in a manner so
spectacular that it must have surprised even them.

9/11 was a ghastly crime committed by crazed fanatics, some or all of
whom were Muslim extremists.

The fact that I observe that the crime was siezed upon by other fanatics
as license to commit other ghastly crimes must not cloud my mind to
believe that there is some shadowy connection between these groups of




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