On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:01 AM, Martin Lewis wrote:

> On 9/18/07, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> B) Please do not post emails received off-list to the list without
>>>>    the permission of the author.
>>> I believe this is so basic that it transcends any list rules.
>>> But I would qualify: "do not post parts of private e-mails to the
>>> public without the consent of the author of those parts".
>> Evidently not. I've had two of my private messages forwarded to the
>> list this week.
> You have a very precious view of communication. There is no breach of
> trust if there is no trust in the first place. I don't know you, I've
> never entered into personal correspondence with you, our only
> connection is as members of a public forum. You attempted to make a
> public conversation private so that you could insult me without anyone
> seeing. This is like being at a dinner party and waiting till I'm in
> the corridor on the way to the toilet to get your insult in. I'd have
> no problem relaying your remarks to the table.
>  As for the fact two of your messages were forwarded to the list,
> well, just how naive did you have to be to send that second message?

Oh, for Krum's sake, Martin. Take a pill.

If we are at a dinner party and I see you wiping your mouth on your
sleeve, it would be extraordinarily rude of me to announce to everyone
at the table, "Martin is wiping his mouth on his sleeve."

If, instead, I chance to see you in the hallway and say in private,
"Wiping your mouth on your sleeve is uncouth.", then I do you a

A courtesy which I now see that you do not deserve. But then again,
extending courtesy to those who do not deserve it has a long and
distinguished history, and even has a name: grace.



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