> Thanks guys.
 > I keep expecting that the new computer graphics would
 > empower semi-professionals to start a golden age of
 > animated SF...
 > But it hasn't happened yet, alas...
 > Maybe some of the graphics challenge winners will
 > spark something!

Hate to burst your bubble Dr. Brin, but, no that is not going to happen. 
  It takes enormous amounts of work (man hours) / CPU time and Money 
even to do small scale stuff.  You should watch the making of 
documentary for the sci-fi movie movie _Sky Captain and the World of 
Tomorrow_, about how much effort that 100% CGI (sans actors) movie took 
to make.  The guy who created the film was original working alone and 
thought that it would take him 10-15+ years to finish the product. 
Their are just way too many things for 1 person, or even a small team to 
handle.  That is why dedicated professional studio's will always be 
necessary for that kind of project.

Also, how many serious animated drama's have come out of hollywood over 
the last ten years?  I can count on one hand with fingers left over.

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