KZK thanks for interesting and thought-provoking

Look, I like Miazaki and I have enjoyed a lot of other
anime.  Still, there seems to be a deep and abiding
reluctance to do SF that I would call "for grownups". 

Look, I know I have a lot more to see!  Thanks for the
viewing assignment.  I will work my way thru it

>>Most stories that deal with time travel forget that
we are also moving very rapidly in space, so if you
were to travel in time you wouldn't bein the relative
vicinity of where you traveled from..

See Benford"s TIMESCAPE that actually uses this as
part of the plot.

>>It seems to me, the biggest problem with faster than
light travel (and time travel) is traveling at exactly
the speed of light (which is 
division by zero).   If you could 'jump' over close to
exactly c you 
could avoid most of the unpleasantries.

Which is why some people believe there may be

Thanks for the comprehensive run down of Japanimation

As for amateur CGI sf films... they do NOT have to be
of the same rendering quality as Beowulf!  A helluva
market niche awaits decent "cartoon" level renderings
of really good stories.



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