John Williams wrote:
> David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Probably from the cover?  : ) 
> Partly, and the blurb I read focused on the android sex
> element. 

Well, she's a fembot, she's SUPPOSED to have
android sex.  But yes, I had my doubts about
the book at first.

>>  Yes, I recommend it.  Stross
>> may not have the most polished writing, but the
>> rest of his books are amazing.
> Okay, I've added it to my list. I'm not sure if I will
> get it before The Temporal Void which should be
> coming in a couple weeks.

Would that be Hamilton's _The Dreaming Void_?
I've read it, but probably should have waited
until the whole series came out and then read
them all.  I guess I like Hamilton, but can't
figure out why.

>> My favorites of his are the ones that start with
>> The Atrocity Archives.  Not everyone would come
>> up with Lovecraftian computer science.
> Do you think someone who doesn't care for Lovecraft
> would like them? I also didn't enjoy The Da Vinci Code.
> I gather you liked these better than Cryptonomicon?

They're not supernatural horror at all.  They're
just set in a Lovecraftian universe.  The secret
service called the Laundry is more than up to dealing
with nameless horrors from non-Euclidean geometries.
(Although they're not sure about the Great Old Ones...)

I'm not sure The Da Vinci Code belongs with the others.
It's really not science fiction, although it seems to
be set ten years in the future.  My problem with it is
that the ending is pretty lame.

Don't get me wrong, Cryptonomicon has some good parts.
I'm just not sure they justify the length.

It could be that The Atrocity Archives is best
appreciated if you know a lot of theoretical computer
science, so I'll withhold comment.  There's a sequel
called The Jennifer Morgue which is a relatively
straightforward James Bond parody.  That, I'd recommend
to anyone.


Robots in space, Maru

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