On 10/07/2009, at 12:53 AM, Mauro Diotallevi wrote:

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:11 AM, Charlie Bell<char...@culturelist.org> wrote:

On 09/07/2009, at 1:35 PM, John Williams wrote:
My impression is that the "Chrome OS" will allow you to avoid just
what you say above. It is an actual OS, although probably "OS lite"
would be a better term.

...and Google already have one. It's called Android, plus there's gOS which Google had hefty input into. And there are miriad other Linuces and BSDs to
try, up to and including Darwin/OSX. So I'm with Will (you can pick
yourselves up at your leisure). Don't see the point of Chrome, except to leverage Google's brand and no doubt increase the amount of data they have
to analyse on the way we use PCs...

Isn't Android build for mobile phones?

Originally, but it was supposed to be cross-platform as OSX is (desktops, notebooks, iPhone, iPod Touch...). It was supposed to be on netbooks next...

 And gOS is pretty limited,
from what I understand.

It's a linux. *shrug* It's as limited or not as any other.

 As for the point of Chrome OS, maybe Google
won't overtake any of the existing major OSes overnight, but then
Honda didn't become a major car manufacturer overnight when it decided
it wanted to make more than motorcycles.

Yeah, fair enough. But I still think it's just Google being Google...



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