On 8 Jul 2009 at 23:43, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Charlie Wrote
> ...and Google already have one. It's called Android, plus there's gOS which
> > Google had hefty input into. And there are miriad other Linuces and BSDs to
> > try, up to and including Darwin/OSX. So I'm with Will (you can pick
> > yourselves up at your leisure). Don't see the point of Chrome, except to
> > leverage Google's brand and no doubt increase the amount of data they have
> > to analyse on the way we use PCs...
> >
> To (eventually) give PC users a _real_ alternative to Windows? If Google
> can't do it no one can.  And who doesn't want an alternative to PoS windows?
>  Do we think that Microsoft and Apple aren't scrutinizing their data?
>  Personally, I think Google has made the net a better place.  The Spam
> filter on Gmail is a thing of beauty; very close to infallible in this
> particular data point.  I love Picassa, and Google News is my favorite way
> to find news from a wide variety of sources.

The spam filter on Pegaus Mail works fine for me, and it's mine 
rather then being in the control of a company which is going to scan 
my emails. I've yet to find (and this includes gmail) another filter 
which is more than 90% accurate for me.

And yes, I know Microsoft aren't looking at my data. Regardless of 
the OS, I'll require a program from a third party sitting across the 
net connection monitoring, logging and asking for permission as 
appropriate for me, and a router logging network connections as well.



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