At 05:12 PM Sunday 9/6/2009, John Williams wrote:
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 2:50 PM, David Hobby<> wrote:

> This is why I've quit talking with you about
> health insurance.  When pressed, your bottom
> line seems to be "taxation equals theft".

What I have written is that taxation (taking someone's money) limits a
person's freedom. That is obviously true. However, I have never
written that I think there should be no taxes. In fact, I think that
there are indeed some cases where the ends justify the means -- that I
condone taking away individual freedoms for the greater good. But I
think these cases are far fewer than others seem to think.

> Yes, I AM prepared to make you pay your share
> to keep people from dying

Really? Would you literally come to my house with a gun and force me
to give you money, telling me that you know better who it should be
spent on than I do?

I know a lot more deserving people to give my money to than wealthy
elderly Americans who did not want to save up for their own health

How about the people who are working but can't afford to take themselves or their kids to a doctor when they get the sniffles or a sore throat or an ear infection unless they have some sort of insurance that will pay most of the cost of the office visit and any prescriptions?

. . . ronn!  :)


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