On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Bruce Bostwick<lihan161...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Or, for an even darker scenario, how about the people who can't quit or, God
> forbid, be fired from their job because if they do they'll lose the only
> insurance that will cover them

Which is almost entirely the result of the poor government policy of
providing a large tax incentive to get health insurance through
employers rather than choosing it oneself.

> And John .. "wealthy elderly Americans who did not want to save up for their
> own health care"?

I apologize for not stating clearly what I meant. There are a lot of
people who lived their entire life "wealthy" by saving very little,
and spending most or all of their income on luxuries. There are also
those who chose to smoke cigarettes, those who chose not to exercise,
those who chose to eat unhealthy foods, etc. Saving some of their
money, or not making those poor choices, would have, on average,
helped people to be able to afford more health care in their old age.

For my money, I choose to help people who did not spend unwisely or
make poor choices. I would be able to help more people in the second
category if the government did not take my money and give some of it
to people in the first category.


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