On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:29 PM, David Hobby <hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:
> John Williams wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 2:50 PM, David Hobby<hob...@newpaltz.edu> wrote:
> ...
>>> Yes, I AM prepared to make you pay your share
>>> to keep people from dying
>> Really? Would you literally come to my house with a gun and force me
>> to give you money, telling me that you know better who it should be
>> spent on than I do?
> John--
> No, that's what governments are for.  I agree with
> you, they do tax by force.  So?

Someone else asked this in an earlier conversation, but does anyone
else on the list ever have the government come to their house with a
gun and force them to file their taxes? It's never happened to me. How
much in back taxes do you have to owe before the government sends the
IRS SWAT team to your house, I wonder?



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