On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Richard Baker <r...@theculture.org> wrote:

>  Do you think Nick would argue the same thing (Alice must give everyone
>> a dollar) if Alice had $10 and 9 others had no dollars? What if Alice
>> had $20 and ten others had $2 each? What if, instead of dollars, we
>> had coupons for a medical treatment to extend life by a year? Must
>> Alice give up years of her life? What about contracts to provide 1
>> year of manual labor to XYZ corporation? If Alice was liable for 2 of
>> those contracts, and Bob was liable for none, must Bob take 1 of the
>> contracts? What would you guess Nick would argue?
> I think that in the cases with the money or the coupons Nick would argue
> that Alice should be made to give to the others, but not in the case with
> labour contracts, but I suppose we'll have to wait for him to give his
> opinion. Of course, not all years of extended life have the same cost in
> expended resources so that example's a bit strange. Similarly, the
> opportunity cost of making different people engage in manual labour varies
> wildly.

I'd argue for democracy -- none of this business of X "must" give Y money.
A social contract, not force.  That's why I said the original post failed to
address the critical question of what "take" means.


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