On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 13:34:13 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda
> --- Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gary, the problem with you is you're a hack.  Every
> liberal and far-leftist is a good guy, and everyone
> who's conservative is not.  So you have no
> credibility.  If you want me - or anyone else who
> thinks seriously about these issues - to even listen
> to you, you have to at least pretend to be _thinking_
> about these topics.  

As expected you start off with an attack.

>Attacking Keegan's credentials
> just makes you look like an idiot.  He's a former
> lecturer at Sandhurst and author of _The Face of
> Battle_, which only re-invented military history.
> That was his first book.  He's written quite a few
> since then.  You may disagree with some of his work
> but he sort of knows what he's talking about.  Much,
> much, much better than you do.

He is a prolific writer and with his conservative views was a neo-con
favorite.  Recently his books have been questioned for their accuracy
(I gave a link) and judgement (The War in Iraq, I gave another).  I
also objected to his sweeping judgements about peoples and religion as
shown in the interview I cited.

The specific quote that this war was "probably the most successful war
ever fought by a democracy against a dictatorship" comes from Keegan's
recent column where he now turns on the neocon's for losing the
aftermath, when he thought the war was won.  He blames this on their
"post-Marxist" thought patterns, reasoning which doesn't change my
opinion of his recent judgement.  However, this should mean he is no
longer be a neo-con favorite. ;-)

I should gve that cite too since you didn't provide it.


I question using Keegan as someone who was so obviously wrong about
the war he promoted and as someone who can be more fairly described,
given his current occupation, as a hawkish Conservative party
newspaper "hack."

He had some brilliant early work I didn't mention, although I did
include the bit about his recent combination of "brilliance and

Gary Denton
#1 on google for liberal news

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