El Fri, 1 Mar 2013 18:03:55 +0100
Denys Vlasenko <vda.li...@googlemail.com> escribió:
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Harald Becker <ra...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > On 01-03-2013 15:51 Denys Vlasenko <vda.li...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >>Please understand my position.
> >
> >>Maintaining three copies of LZMA (de)compressors with
> >>virtually identical performance would be a mistake.
> >
> > You are still right, but there is one big difference: lzip has a
> > compressor in Busybox not only a decompressor. lzma and xz are only
> > decompressors and it is handy to have same available in cases where
> > you hit one of those files and you do not have access to the full
> > package.
> What percentage of bbox users would want to produce .lzip files?

How to know it?.

> It isn't a widely used format.

With this thought (nothing personal), what chances have the good
alternatives out there?.

(xz is not more popular (or widely used) than gzip or bzip2).
> bbox didn't have even bzip2 compressor for a long time.

Hmm.. what about the memory usage?.
> > Beside this I prefer lzip due to its full implementation in
> > Busybox ... or are you going to add an xz compressor in Busybox?
> Yes, adding xz compressor is a good idea.
> > And in addition, if you do not like to have all those decompressors
> > in your Busybox binary, you can disable your dislikes in the config.
> This does not remove the need to maintain the code.
> More code = more bugs.
> Rarely used code = bugs stay unfixed for a longer time.
> > There are people who like to have a full compressor/decompressor
> > in Busybox, performing better than gzip/bzip2.
> xz compressor then.

Precisely, adding the compressor, doesn't it imply adding more code?.
More code than the expected, I guess...

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