On 3/11/2015 9:30 AM, Harald Becker wrote:
So how can we avoid that unwanted parallelism, but still enable all of the above usage scenarios *and* still have a maximum of code sharing *and* a minimum of memory usage *without* delaying the average event handling too much?

The gathering parts need to acquire the device information, sanitize this information, and serialize the event operations to the right order. The device node handling part shall receive the information from the gathering part(s) (whichever is used) and call the required operations, but shall avoid reparsing the conf on every event (speed up) *and* drop as much memory usage as possible, when the event system is idle.

My idea is a fifo approach. This allows splitting the device management functionalities. Nevertheless which approach to gather the device information is used, the parser and device handling part can be shared (even on a mixed usage scenario).

Supposing that we have
  * mdev acting as a parallel hotplug handler forked by the kernel
and then add
  * mdevd which reads netlink messages and runs as a daemon

What specifically is the appeal of a third approach which tries to re-create the kernel netlink design in user-land using a fifo written from forked hotplug helpers?

I'm interested in this thread, but there is too much to read. Can you explain your reason in one concise paragraph?

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