and what's wrong with just not outputting an id attribute unless
(like is the usual approach for attributes, you have to specify them if
you want them)

Cake is not the "usual approach".  That is what makes it useful.

There is nothing stopping your from creating your form without the use of the html helper to omit the id, or as suggested earlier in the thread, wrapping the html helper in your custom helper.

Not including the id by default would cause people to have to write more code/configuration in other situations that differ from your "special case".

Special cases are treated as special cases for a reason.

Please do not take shots at the work being done (for free in fact).  Calling it stupid does not help.  There is a lot of intelligent design work that has been done with Cake and chances are if it works one way there is a good reason for it. 

Ask for an explanation or help with a solution instead.  If there is a bug it will be taken care of promptly if you submit it to trac. 

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