On Oct 24, 2006, at 11:00 AM, MJ Ray wrote:

> nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What's not great is that people are continuing to ask questions  
>> without
>> bothering to search for an answer beforehand.  [...]
> google is a search engine, but a terrible catalogue.

A cataloging of problems with any programming language would probably  
be so large that it would need a search engine to be useful. :)

> Does cake need a
> FAQ?  (Does it have a FAQ? I thought it did, but couldn't find it and
> the wiki is dead, Jim.)

Praise the powers that be, the wiki is dead. I suppose I could start  
a page on the manual that only features FAQs. Anyone want to help on  

>   Will the docs directory contain standalone
> docs?

Not sure what you mean here. We have PDFs and a distribution in CHM  

>> Not only that, but people are also asking questions that are  
>> blatantly
>> off-topic [...]
> Where's the moderator?  Why not add a list of warnable and posting-ban
> offences to the list web page and welcome message?

Hopefully we can heed Nate's messages well enough in order not to  
need a moderator. I suppose that might change in the future. I think  
this semi-gentle reminder will suffice for now, personally.

>> [...] whereas asking questions on a mailing list requires you to wait
>> for minutes, hours, or in some cases, days.  [...]
> Aye, but if one does get a reply, it is almost surely relevant.

That's not the point. I hope you see that.

> It's
> sometimes hard to know while learning the lingo whether an answer to
> someone else's question will work - it might be out-of-date or subtly
> different.  A well-explained and up-to-date FAQ could solve both of
> those and reduce the volume.

Would you like to help out on that?

> The other maybe-common type of email questions are written offline  
> while
> the question is fresh in the mind.  Shipping useful docs in the docs
> directory might reduce those.

We ship PDF and CHM. Check out the cakedocs project at Cakeforge.

> I know this is Free Software and I'm thankful for the help it  
> gives, but
> the increasing repetitiveness of the list may be partly a symptom of
> some gap in the cakephp offering, rather than all being cluebies.

I doubt a FAQ will be a panacea for our woes, but I'm willing to give  
it a shot. Anyone up for collecting some q's for me?

-- John

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