On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Dardo Sordi Bogado
>  Chris,
>  As you have a copy of full history, you can commit. You can't push to
>  Linus repository, as he didn't trust you. But he pulls directly from
>  the ones he trust, and examine the changes he thinks are worth
>  integrating. And there isn't a central repository from where you get
>  the source, most people use Linus, because they trust his work, but
>  you can use Alan Cox or Andrew Morton repos, or anyone you trust. See,
>  you still thinking in a centralized way.

I understand totally what you are saying, believe me.  But you just
hit on the #1 issue I have that is simply being ignored:  Linus won't
let you push to his repository.  What happened to "in developers we
trust"?  Trust has to be both ways.  If the vast majority of people
trust Linus, and Linus doesn't let just anyone push to his repo, then
how is that any different than restricting access to a centralized
repository?  Linus created git because he hates Subversion and CVS,
not because of some sort of noble quest to give commit access to the
masses.  Please don't confuse the two.

Ok, let me push this out further.  Let's say we are using git for
CakePHP.  PHPNut, Nate and gwoo all have repos that you can pull from,
but each one is slightly different.  Which one will people want to use
as the "official" source for CakePHP?  Despite what you think, some
people want to know that there is an official source because,
shockingly, they don't want to go through the dance of picking
something from repo 1, something else from repo 2 and then something
else from repo 3.

I could argue about this all day, but I've had enough.  Dardo, we are
arguing about semantics so we must agree to disagree.

CakePlus is an attempt to fork CakePHP, nothing more.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: "Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes..."
@TheKeyBoard: http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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