This is the first time i've actually joined a conversation here on the
google group, I feel strongly enough about this to actually have my
say.  I have to agree with many of you on here, Benjamin certainly
didn't approach this in a way that promotes healthy discussion but he
makes a very valid point. I can see that he is frustrated because he
wants the community to flourish.  I am not an expert in cake and so
some of my questions are newbish. So what? I think the community
should respect newcomers and welcome them with positive and helpful
comments. I have gotten a sense that its ok to reply with cynicism,
and rudeness.  I wonder why people want to make other people feel like
shit, instead of helping them understand.  I have never felt a warm
welcoming feeling from this group, (and probably wont after posting
either) I don't know if its the nature of the anonymity of the
internet that turns nice people into real assholes. This is a real
issue and should be looked at by the core developers and the community
that supports them. The growth and popularity of cake will be
determined by its community, either we start treating each other like
friends, or as I see it the community fails and cake fails.

Just my 2 baht.


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