The problem you're talking about might also be called "Asperger" ....
Google it dumbass ;-).

I would just add a simple rules :
- If you're going to answer like a jerk (if in doubt, ask someone with
normal social skills to judge)  to a question that was not directly to
you, don't answer.

imagine yourself answering like this to someone who ask you the
direction to an address :  Use google map dumbass !! some people have
social skills and patience  with newbie or stupid questions. If you
don't have it, IGNORE THEM. By acting like a jerk you're not helping
to spread the greatest web framework i ever had the chance to work
with (even if you feel 100% justified to be a jerk because it was a
stupid question answered at page 43 of the manual or six month ago in
this group in another thread with a different subject and keyword
used) .

a suggestion:
- why not create a group for "newbie" so they don't disturb the
beautiful mind of the core team with stupid questions and keep them
focused on their awesome work ? I don't mind if you don't have social
skills guys, as long as you keep on creating the greatest framework
for PHP !! : )
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