On May 12, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Aaron Shafovaloff wrote:

> I propose that the Cake team use MediaWiki with the FlaggedRevs
> extension (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FlaggedRevs)
> instead of their homegrown wiki, which currently has a closed review
> process. This extension, which will be integrated into Wikipedia in
> the coming months, allows for people to edit the draft of a page, and
> for users with a special privilege of "reviewer" to tweak and approve
> and even rate the proposed changes. This would effectively carry over
> the functionality of the homemade wiki that book.cakephp.org now uses.
> Some advantages would include:
> - Outsiders could see not only the default last-reviewed page, but
> also see the proposed changes. The process would be more open.
> - People could engage in MediaWik-style discussions that are attached
> to a page.

Seems like we'd be throwing out the baby with the bath-water if we  
dumped what we have in order to gain a few features. Let's log these  
ideas somewhere so we can see how they fit in the Cookbook.

> - Instead of a progressive chapter breakdown of the content, I would
> hope that the Cake team would allow for larger pages to split into
> specific topical pages. I also propose using a more comprehensive
> front page for the wiki, which would have a handy taxonomy of links to
> those simply using the wiki as a reference guide. This would be much
> more intuitive than the current menu on the Cookbook.

That's one opinion, but maybe a broader audience shares your view.

> - The efSyntaxHighlight_GeSHiSetup MediaWiki extension could be used
> to prettify code.

Have you seen the code examples in the Cookbook?

> - The CakePHP team wouldn't have to bother maintaining/improving
> their home-made wiki application. MediaWiki is a great wiki project
> that continues to grow and be improved. Wikipedia uses it, so it's not
> likely at all that the application development would go inactive.

To be blunt, the Cookbook is not a wiki, nor will it be so anytime  
soon. It's a community-contributed manual. We tried a wiki and it  
didn't work, so putting lipstick on the same pig isn't going to work  
for us. If there's specific features you've seen in MediaWiki you'd  
like to see in the Cookbook, then submit those ideas so we can see how  
they fit it. I realize the advantages of community (I'm on the team  
for an application framework, after all), but after a lot of thought,  
the wiki workflow doesn't quite work for us.

Honestly, most of what people need is coming - we had to focus on just  
delivering content first, and now we're working to improve the  
communication process. Everyone has been just grand in submitting  
content even when the process is so blind. We appreciate your  
patience, and as has been said many times before, the quickest way to  
see the changes happen is to pitch in and help.

> - MediaWiki's template can be customized to the liking of the CakePHP
> team.

We have 110% control over the layout as it stands now, so MediaWiki  
really doesn't offer any benefits there.

> I also propose that the Cookbook be put under a Creative Commons
> license, but I hear that this is already forthcoming.

A CC license was installed a week or two ago.



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