On Jan 25, 10:49 am, leo <ponton....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry to be slow getting back - we've had a thirty hour power outage
> following a storm that ripped off roofs and uprooted trees. A little
> unusual here in Spain.
> @everybody and nobody, I dislike Eclipse and Netbeans because
> 1. (without redoing the sums) I don't understand why an editor should
> use in excess of 250MB runtime (including java) - even Photoshop uses
> less than that, and it works.

NetBeans runs in way less than 250MB (mine is running right now at
128K with all of the plugins, the embedded web server and several
projects open).

> 2. I hate Java. Why is it there? Leave it in AI toasters where it
> belongs. And stop reinventing uses for it. (java servlets and sh*t
> like that)

Java is a powerful language and just because you don't like it doesn't
mean it should go away. It was written for distributed computing, and
it's reputation as a toaster language came mostly from flaming logos
in the early days of the web.

You might as well say that nobody should have written Cake since there
were already MVC frameworks around. Or hate PHP because it grew out of
Perl so why would we need another language.

BTW, James Gosling wrote the early Unix version of Emacs (http://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gosling) and even he says to use a "real"
IDE: http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;170166942;fp;16;fpid;1

> 3. They both stopped my PC in its tracks (brand new out the box fully
> loaded) although NetBeans was a little better.

Which version of NB did you load up?

> 4. One didn't have drag and drop and the other didn't have something
> else really basic that I don't remember.

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