Yes, I've got that before. First, if you have a few apps under your
belt, show them those. Including the administration, and the source,
etc. Show them some of the many existing plugins, components,
behaviors, etc. And explain to them that, while Cake may not be the
mostest popular framework out there, there certainly are a lot of
developers working with it.

But the bottom line is that I'm not a Drupal (or Joomla! or whatever)
developer. There are plenty of applications that I'm willing to learn
but many others I have no interest in, for a variety of reasons. I
also refuse to work with Windows servers. Sometimes a job has to be
passed up. Basically, it's take it or leave it. Now, the clients who
have brought up the Cake issue have worked with me before and so they
at least know my competencies and trust my judgment. I haven't had any
take a pass yet but YMMV on that front.

On Feb 20, 2:07 pm, keymaster <> wrote:
> Have any of you ever been presented with the following challenge by a
> client:
> ====================================================================
> "You are offering to build my site on top of your custom CMS based on
> cakephp. I am worried that by not going with a standard cms like
> Drupal, we will be getting into trouble. You might leave and we'll be
> stuck with a proprietary solution no one understands, whereas with
> Drupal we can easily find someone who is familiar with it enough to
> take it over.
> Also, Drupal is proven to work well and is solid, and it has all these
> extensions we can inherit for free. Your proprietary solution is not
> as proven, and we'll have to pay to develop so many things Drupal
> gives us for free."
> =====================================================================
> Would you agree with this client? Or not?
> What points would you make in your reasoned response?

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