
I'm somewhat ashamed of myself, but I must confess: I'm one of those wimps 
using texmate! ;-)
I like the long time spent in front of it without my eyes being too tired 
(mostly due
to the good mac font antialiasing), the set of color scheme, support for ocaml.

What would make me switch: a way to highlight the error when compiling, 
the line, a stronger highlight for the character range reported by the 
compiler, taking
in consideration the tab mode used (real tab, n spaces) to interpret the value 
by the compiler.
the error message in an infobulle and a log area.

An integrated ocamlbrowser (the standard TK tend to jiggle and hang on my 

An integrated small terminal window.

A mean to prevent you from the obscure error message about the very last char 
of the
file, that after (for a beginner) 10 minutes of nervous fight you end up 
discovering in
the first half of your file a missing syntax. I've been told emacs tuareg do 
that, maybe your
autoindent mode already do it.

Will test camelia 2.0 for sure.

Philippe Strauss

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